About Me

Divyendu Shekhar

+1 857 707 9042 | divyendu.shekhar@outlook.com | linkedin.com/in/divysh | Boston, MA

I am a passionate software engineer with experience in Java, Python, AWS, Git, Jenkins, Spinnaker, SpringBoot, JUnit, ReactJS, and more. I have a strong academic background with a Master's degree from Northeastern University and a Bachelor's degree from Sikkim Manipal University.



Technical & Soft Skills

Programming: Python, Java, C++, Golang, JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL

Cloud and Frameworks: AWS, Jenkins, Spinnaker, Docker, Git, SpringBoot, ReactJS, NodeJS, Linux

Soft Skills: Leadership, Time and Resource Management, Strategic Negotiation, Problem-solving, Documentation

My Projects

Leadership & Achievements